Best E-Prescribing Software Every Doctor Should Know Of

The advent of electronic prescribing has streamlined the process of prescribing and selling medicines for physicians and pharmacists, respectively. E-prescribing software proves to be advantageous to doctors and patients with reduced dosage errors, simplified medication workflow, enhanced patient safety, and increased patient satisfaction.
Doctors are using Cleanroom Pens to write prescriptions for patients and most of it are not clear and cause so many problems with patients, the better solution is with E-prescription softwares.
What is E-prescribing software?
E-prescribing is a process of generating and sending a prescription order electronically. Medical practitioners generate electronic prescriptions and transmit them to pharmacies directly from the point of care.
The software is used by physicians, pharmacists, health care professionals, and patients.
Healthcare providers are increasingly relying on e-prescribing software as it improves the accuracy and quality of patient care as pharmacists don’t have to interpret the handwriting of physicians or call-in prescriptions.
E-prescriptions are also beneficial for automated refills, reduced paper prescriptions, improved documentation of patients’ medication history, decreased number of unfilled prescriptions. E-prescribing software strengthens the relationship between pharmacies and medical practitioners.
Best E-prescribing software for doctors, physicians, and pharmacists
Practice Fusion
Practice Fusion is one of the largest cloud-based electronic health record companies headquartered in San Francisco. The prime focus of the platform is to connect patients, doctors, and data for better health and to save lives.
The platform offers advanced e-prescribing capabilities that include allergy alerts, prior authorization management, electronic prescribing of controlled substances, etc.
The e-prescribing software enables patients to send e-coupons to a pharmacy with order and receive medications instantly. Doctors can e-prescribe from their connected devices to more than 98,000 pharmacies which is a huge convenience for patients to get quick medications.
The software also provides a cloud-based patient portal named Patient Fusion that allows doctors to follow up with patients for their treatment and send education materials and information on medication adherence.
DrFirst Rcopia
Rcopia is an e-prescribing software for medical practitioners that enables them to share e-prescriptions through emails, SMS, and mobile apps. This fully-featured software is designed for agencies and startups and offers electronic prior authorization, prescription renewals, EPCS, online refills, and clinical alerts.
Rcopia is built to deliver over 1 billion medication transactions with access to medication history data, patient medication adherence support, and controlled substance e-prescribing.
Some of the key features offered by the Rcopia e-prescribing software are EPCS, predictive analysis, electronic patient medication history data, medication adherence monitoring, and behavioral support, real-time prescription drug benefit checks, etc.
You can Hire healthcare app developers and get your E-prescription software ready.
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