Prevention of Air Contaminants Using Dental Air Purification


Dental clinics are not free from air contamination unless owners take precautionary measures. Just like any other workplace, dental clinics experience multiple activities during regular working hours. Dental practices increase the risk of air adulteration within the dental clinic, leading to airborne infections. Some of the airborne diseases cannot be stopped by masks, suction tubes, and filters alone. You need to get a dental air purification system.

Before you learn how to prevent air contaminants in your dental clinic, you need to know the significant causes of the contamination.

  • Drilling and polishing teeth- During these operations, ultrafine dust elements that are not visible with your naked eyes are released into the air. When your patients or staff inhale these particles, they are likely to be absorbed directly into the blood.
  • Repetitive teeth cleaning services can release pathogens in the air within the dental facility.
  • Chemicals used in cleaning dental equipment and surfaces in the clinic can lead to oust chemical compounds into the air.
  • Speed drilling during amalgam fillings can release mercury vapors into the air. The steam can be harmful to both the patients and dental practitioners when inhaled.
  • The breathing of the dental staff and patients can be the source of bacteria and viruses in the dental clinic air.

What Does an Air Protection System Do?

Disinfection procedures on surfaces and tools will only help in eradicating microbiological deposits on the surfaces. However, to remove air infection, you need a dental air purification system to remove any harmful particles in the air. There are reputable air purification systems in the market that will effectively remove airborne contaminants and improve your clinic’s air quality.

Who Do You Protect from The Airborne Contaminants?

Even though everyone’s life in your clinic matters, extra protection should be given to people whose immunity is compromised. These are the young children, aged people, and expectant mothers visiting your clinic.

How Does the Purification System Work?

Dental air purifiers work by sanitizing the air within your clinic room where the system has been installed. Air purifying systems are more effective in comparison to air filters, which only removes air particles.

The type of air contaminants that the cleaner will sanitize depends on the kind of system you will choose. Some are good in mercury vapor, and amalgam and others are good in purifying air full of chemical odor. Similarly, you may find some air purifiers which are designed to filter-out particles while others neutralize them.

How to Choose the Right Dental Clinic Air Purifier?

Here are a few tips to consider.

  1. Check on the air filtration technology- Some purifiers utilize the HEPA filtration technology whereas others use UV light tech. The two types of technology are effective in improving dental clinic air quality.
  2. Air-flow capacity-Check the amount of air the purifier can take before it turns over. Some will turn over after an hour while others it’s after every ten minutes.
  • Is the air purifier noisy? It would help if you found a dental facility air purifier that produces minimal sound.
  1. Understand the operating expenses of the system. Get to know which parts require regular servicing and change.

Safeguard the health of your dental patients and professionals at your clinic by investing in a quality air purifier system.


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