Exercises On How To Get A Flat Belly


Have you always dreamed of having a flat tummy? Nor have you considered getting it because you think it is an impossible mission? Well, having a flat stomach is at your fingertips. At udendørs fitnessudstyr, we do not promise you that it will be easy, but we want to help you achieve it. If your abdomen has lost firmness, prepare to recover it.

Some aspects may be influencing that your belly is not flat. They are diverse, so we will leave you a summary so you can review your habits and see if there are areas that you can improve.

Abdominal swelling. It could be caused by aspects as diverse as food, consumption of soft drinks or stress. Another very determining factor in the case of women is menstruation.

Age also affects this. The tissue changes with age and those muscles that were very consistent may cease to be. In this sense, genetic inheritance also influences.

Inactivity and bad postures are very decisive. When sitting, remember to maintain a good position, not only will your back appreciate it. In doing so, you will have your belly under control.


Food is essential. Start by selecting products free of fats and sugars. If you have located any food that causes gas, in addition to using natural remedies to remove them, say goodbye.

Exercise your belly. You’ve already seen that activating it is essential. There are options for doing easy and practical abdominal exercises at home. Find a hole in your agenda to practice abdominal exercises at home, and do not skip it. It may cost you at first, but you are sure to take a routine soon. With them, you will favour the central and frontal part of the stomach.

Drink plenty of water. It will help you to the proper functioning of your body and prevent fluid retention. Removing soda drinks will also help deflate your gut. If you find it boring, try drinking flavoured water.

Eat up to four times a day to maintain your metabolism. Of course, do it moderately, taking care of what you eat. You can see how your belly loses volume right away. Sometimes it costs to realize what affects food for our general condition, do not let this be your case.

Avoid alcohol. Its consumption in excess favours the increase of fat, thus separating the alcohol from your daily life. You already know the famous saying: once a year, it doesn’t hurt, so reserve the wine glass for special occasions. Most of the time, it is better not to try it.


Doing abs at home is very simple. You will only need a mat and know some routine. To protect the abdominal girdle, you must always have it activated when doing abdominal exercises at home.

We leave you with some abdominal exercises with which you can work your core.

The iron is the best known today. Lift the body supporting your weight on the forearms and the tip of the feet. Your body should be straight as if it were a board. Watch that the hips do not fall to the ground or rise too much. It may be difficult at first to do it, but you will see how with practice, you endure more.

To work the oblique abs, try the mountain climber. Starting from the iron position, resting on the hands, bring the knees to your chest alternately. Ideally, you should speed the movement, although it is better that you do it when you have already internalized the technique.

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