How much hair can be restored by Body hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure to improve baldness. This procedure involves removing hair from the scalp and hair follicles from areas with lots of hair to thinning or bald hair. The skin surgeon will move the hair to the bald part of the head or move the hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the patient’s head. Hair transplantation is usually done in a specialist doctor’s clinic under the influence of local anaesthesia.
What is the purpose of the Permanent hair transplant?
The purpose of hair transplantation is to increase the amount or thickness of hair you have. If you experience thinning hair or baldness, then it bothers or affects the quality of life, then you can consider doing a hair transplant procedure.
Hair transplant procedures are recommended for those who:
- 23 years of age or older;
- Unsuccessful use of drugs to treat hair loss;
- Experience continuous hair loss;
- Not experiencing any conditions that can increase the risk of complications after surgery.
What to do after a hair transplant?
It’s a good idea to take a few days off work to allow the bruising and swelling to subside. You will also be given instructions on how to wash your hair and scalp, use antibiotics, and return to the clinic to remove stitches (if any). Also read– Hair tattoo
However, in general, some things that need to be considered after the procedure include:
- Ask someone to take you home after surgery, remembering you will be given a sedative before the action. As long as you are still under the influence of sedatives, you are not permitted to drive the vehicle yourself or make important decisions;
- If you undergo the micrograft procedure, the compression bandage will wrap around your head, similar to a turban. The bandage must remain in your head for a day and keep it clean and dry;
- Sleep in a semi-upright position and use a few pillows to raise your head at night after the action. Do this method for the first three days after the procedure;
- If you feel itchy or sore in the transplant area, you should not touch or scratch it. Remember the hair will fall before it can grow new hair;
- Don’t drink alcohol for the first 48 hours. If you are a smoker then don’t continue this habit for the next month. Smoking can disrupt blood flow to the hair follicles which are important in the process of new hair growth;
- You may be given a special lotion in the form of a spray for home use. The lotion contains special substances designed to encourage new hair growth. Spray lotion into the hair transplant area and do it until the lotion runs out. You should spray it into the hair transplant area every 30 minutes on the first day after surgery;
You can wash your hair several days after. Washing your hair can remove dead skin, but more importantly, it can clean the scabs that may form around the grafted hair. Shampooing can prevent the scab damage the follicles and stop the growth of new hair;
How long does a hair transplant take?
The time taken for the hair transplant procedure depends on the condition of hair loss, the type of transplant, and your other health factors. There is 10 to 80 per cent of the transplanted hair will that will fully grow back in an estimated three to four months.
How is a hair transplant done?
There are two types of hair transplantation methods that are most popular, namely FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Here are the differences between the two:
- Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)
Hair transplantation using the FUSS method is removing skin strips from areas that are not bald. This donor area is usually in the back of the head. Then, the piece is closed and hidden by the hair around it.
Pieces of the scalp that are removed are divided into small pieces called grafts, each containing only one hair or several strands of hair. The small parts are each moved to the treated bald area, which is known as the receiving site.
One of the main disadvantages of the FUSS method is that it can cause scarring around the graft site. Some people may also experience pain and swelling in this area.
Hair transplantation by the FUE method is done by shaving the back of the head and removing any hair follicles. The transplant area will only look like a small dot, but this will be covered by the surrounding hair.
Like FUSS, the surgeon will prepare a transplant and place it in the recipient area. Typically, FUE is less invasive than FUSS, and there are fewer chances of complications, such as scarring or pain after the procedure.