What Can A Modern Cosmetics Industry Do For Your Face Beauty


To tight the face and to change the area around your eyes is something that is very difficult to do with creams, lotions, massages, and facial exercises. Maybe the tonus of your muscles will change but the skin will still be limp and with poor elasticity. That is why the specialists have researched how these conditions can be changed with a simple procedure.

Silhouette soft lift treatment

This treatment is designed to lift your face, giving you a tighter and younger-looking face. So it’s the anti-aging procedure, without the surgery, where your results will gradually progress. This kind of progress is possible due to the new collagen production for about two years.

Your face will be lifted and your collagen restored with the silhouette soft lift

During the procedure, the practitioner will mark the parts of the face where the threads will go, and the local anesthetic will be applied. The threads with bidirectional cones will be used, where the cones anchor the subcutaneous fat and then pull the skin up. This technique is the minimally invasive one with amazing results that will last in the long run.

After the silhouette soft lift in Melbourne like Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne, you will get immediate face lifting and a natural regenerative process where the lost volume will be restored and that will last during the next 3-6 months after the treatment. The threads will be dissolved in 12-18 months and the effects of the treatment will stay for another 6-12 months.

Lower eyelid surgery

Lower eyelid, as our whole face, will change due to aging, where our appearance can be affected. Because of it, some people can look sad, tired or older. Baggy lower eyelids can be genetically inherited, but some people can develop them due to a bad lifestyle. No matter what is the cause, the lower eyelid surgery can restore a tight and younger look.

You don’t have to settle with baggy lower eyelids when the simple surgery can help you with them

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove the fat tissue in your lower eyelid, and the incisions will be made in the way so they will not be visible after the recovery period. The professional lower eyelid surgery in Melbourne from Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne is performed with local or general anesthesia, and this will be determined by the amount of the fat tissue that should be removed.

The procedure usually lasts from 45 minutes to an hour, and after the procedure, the incisions are closed with sutures and wrapped in gauze. During the recovery, maybe you will be advised to put the lubricating drops and cold compresses, so the possible side effects, such as swelling, irritation, bruising and dry eyes will be minimized.

Final word

If you are longing for face lifting with a small intervention and amazing results, there is no better way to achieve that then with the thread lift procedure and your eyes will get the younger look after the lower eyelid surgery.

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