Does Vaping Help Smokers Quit? Scientific Study Say Yes!


These days, vaping has become almost a worldwide phenomenon, much due to the power of the internet and popularization of the global trend of vaping. In the United States alone, approximately one in every 20 adults use vapes, and the vaping community is growing more than ever. 

One of the very pertinent questions regarding vaping is that, does vaping help you to quit smoking? E-cigarettes or vapes are considered to be a safer alternative to smoking, and many doctors also consider that vaping does help an individual to give up smoking.

Vaping helps to overcome the Addiction of Smoking as per a US Scientific Analysis

In addition to prior studies and expert suggestions, a very recent study has been published, which shows that they have found scientific evidence showing that using e-cigarettes or vapes daily helps smokers in the United States to quit cigarette smoking. 

  • The Method and Aim of the Study

In this study, over eight thousand adult smokers in the U.S were studied. E-cigarette users (who used e-cigarettes on a regular and non-regular) were compared to cigarette smokers. The study aimed to measure the likelihood that a smoker can quit smoking. 

  • The Results of the Study

At the end of the study, the researchers identified that individuals who used e-cigarettes daily, compared to conventional cigarette smokers, had a greater likelihood of quitting smoking and enjoying a smoke-free life. As per a study conducted, e-cigarette users had a higher chance of quitting smoking within a year and of not smoking again for not less than another whole year. 

What can we conclude?

This scientific study is no doubt good news for vapers and smokers looking to quit smoking. The study implies that daily usage of e-cigarettes has a 77% likelihood of greater abstinence from smoking, when compared to no usage of e-cigarettes, over the following two years. It is therefore estimated in the study that daily use of vapes or e-cigarettes may help smokers to quit smoking. Thus, in addition to millions of people claiming that vaping has helped them to quit smoking, we now have further scientific data supporting the idea that vaping does help smokers to quit.

If you wish to quit smoking, get yourself a fit smok vape, for vaping daily- which will help you quit. You should consider ditching combustible tobacco cigarettes and buy smok fit vape kit, one among the best e-cigarette kits available in the market. Happy quilting!

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