The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Healthy Gums –Tips from Dental Experts 


A person may have a variety of issues linked to their oral health. One such oral health issue that many individuals experience is gum disease. Gum disease can negatively impact an individual’s general health, ranging from mild to severe. Gingivitis and periodontitis are among the major gum disease issues that need to be treated immediately. In addition, there are several more issues related to gum disease. 

Gum disease therapy is an expensive and unpleasant process. For this reason, it is crucial to take all the required precautions to keep your gums healthy. For more information, consult a dentist in Dedham, MA today. 

Understanding gum disease 

Plaque accumulation beneath and along the gum line is the first sign of gum disease. Plaque is a bacterially-filled sticky material that resembles a film. Gum disease and tooth decay can result from infections that damage the gums and bone. The first stage of gum disease, gingivitis, can also be brought on by plaque. When you have gingivitis, your gums become:

  • Red
  • Tender
  • Inflamed
  • Prone to bleeding
  • Swollen

Fortunately, this injury is reversible since it does not affect the tissue or bone that holds the teeth in place.

Additionally, you may have periodontitis, a more severe kind of gum disease. The bones that hold your teeth in place are affected by periodontitis. If left untreated, it might damage your teeth’s supporting tissues, bones, and gums. Advanced periodontitis is gum disease’s last stage. The bone and tissue supporting your teeth are gone at this point. It may affect your bite, necessitating the extraction of teeth.

What actions are necessary to keep gums in good health?

  • Brushing 

Without a doubt, brushing is one of the most crucial healthy practices for improving oral health. Brushing your teeth and gums twice a day might help eliminate bacteria buildup. Brushing your teeth right before bed is essential to keeping your gums free of bacteria at night since germs are more active now. You may also use an electric brush to brush with a particular amount of efficacy. It is important to remember not to brush too vigorously because this might harm your gums. To maintain good gum health, brushing the gums must be done gently. Soft bristles on the brush may be necessary as they are better for the gums.

  • Flossing 

Floss properly at least twice a day to remove the plaque and tiny food particles. Because regular brushing cannot reach the intricate parts of teeth, plaque grows more readily and causes damage to the teeth.

  • Mouthwash 

Using the right mouthwash is crucial to keeping the gums and teeth clean. Mouthwash is not a good replacement for brushing or flossing. The intricate regions of the teeth and gums aid in regulating plaque formation. Additionally, mouthwash cleans teeth and leaves breath feeling fresh. It will support better gum health and maintain excellent oral health.

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