Otorhinolaryngologists: What Does It Specialize And Treat?


People with problems from the ears to the throat should take medical action. The right specialist to call and visit is the otorhinolaryngologist doctor with an ENT medical specialty.

Otorhinolaryngology uses the shorter form “otolaryngology”, which derives from the Greek root words:

  • otos (ear)
  • rhino (nose)
  • laryngo (windpipe)
  • logos (science)

The otorhinolaryngologist studied and trained to treat diseases of various parts of the head:

  • ear
  • nose
  • throat
  • face
  • head
  • neck

The ENT speciality is the acronym for its branch of medicine, which means:

  • Ear
  • Nose
  • Throat

Each organ is delicate and plays an essential role in a healthy body. For example, the inner ear bones can be small like a single rice grain. Only highly specialized training and attention to detail for the treatment of these organs to maintain their functions, such as:

  • speech
  • voice
  • hearing
  • tasting
  • breathing

If you have any problem with any part of the mentioned organs above, it is time to head to an ENT specialist.

Body parts that are treated by an otorhinolaryngologist


The ear is an exclusive part that an otolaryngologist specializes in, from diagnosis to medications. The specialist can do medical and surgical treatment for various ear problems, such as:

  • hearing loss
  • ear infections
  • balance disorders (vertigo)
  • ringing ears (tinnitus)
  • some cranial nerve disorders

The specialist can also handle congenital auditory disorders.

Clogged ears are one of the common issues that people experience. Yet, some would instantly go to the specialist to seek treatment, while others wanted to get healed without applying medication. To resolve the confusion of when to go to an ENT for clogged ears, learn here.

Clogged ears may cause pain and discomfort. It affects the hearing and balance. It is time to call for an ENT doctor if the condition has severe symptoms or persists for over two weeks. For other ear problems, you must see an ENT specialist, never take it for granted if it affects your hearing.


One common nose problem is sinusitis. An otorhinolaryngologist can treat sinuses and nasal cavities. Nasal disorders may include:

  • smell
  • growths or polyps
  • deviated septum

Seeing an ENT for nose surgery should be immediate. When you suspect that your nose may be broken, see an ENT specialist immediately. You should see the specialist in one to two weeks for treatment or surgery when needed.

Frequent nasal congestion is another nose problem that must be addressed immediately. When constantly suffering from a stuffy nose, it means there’s no air going in and you can’t breathe without any problem.


Otolaryngologists are experts in managing several diseases from:

  • throat
  • larynx
  • esophagus

ENTs treat various conditions that affect throat health, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Throat pain

The doctor checks the throat by spraying the throat with a numbing medicine. The tongue is covered with gauze. A light is attached to the headgear, and the mirror is tilted to view different throat areas. If there are signs or severe symptoms that are recommended for surgery, the ENT specialist can perform the medical operation.

These three main organs play a big role in your daily life and should be treated when suffering from health conditions.

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